Thought of the Day

See how nature-trees, flowers, grass-  grow  in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence…we need silence to be able to touch souls.     -Mother Teresa

Atlas Vertebra and Acupuncture

The atlas is the first vertebra at the top of the spine.  Most all of the meridians of the body traverse this vertebral region: lung, heart, kidney,and liver to name a few. Therefore,  the organ systems associated with the meridians are intimately related to the atlas. Combining acupuncture and gentle adjustments of the atlas and cervial spine is one of the most dynamic combinations to restore flow to and through the meridians of the body for optimal function and health.

Thought of the Day

Wilderness is not a luxury but a necessity of the human spirit.            Edward Abbey

When to dispose of foods and everyday household items

Air filters- every 6 months

Fire extinguishers-4-5 yrs

Smoke alarms- 8-10  yrs

Toothbrushes- 3 months, and/or after a cold/flu

Mattresses-7 yrs

Pillows-2 yrs

Whole spices-2-3 yrs  Ground spices 1-2 yrs

Canned high acid fruits/veges-peaches, tomatoes- 18 mo

Canned low acid meat, veges  2 yrs  (keep cans away from extremes fo temperatures, away from stove, and damp areas, no bulging or rusted cans)

Food left out of refrigerator over  2.5-3  hours throw out

Cooked refrigerated leftovers use within 3-4 days (keep refrig at 38 degrees)

Eggs ok in refrigerator for up to 3-4 weeks after expiration date

Frozen meats ok up to 4 months but some still ok up to 1 year

Mayonaise- 2 months,     ketchup- 4 mo. ,      mustard 8 mo.

Cosmetics: mascara 3 mo  liquid eye liner- 1 yr  and  powders

Thought of the Day

The most important trip you take in life is meeting people half way.                                             Henry Boyle

Herbs and Surgery- don’t mix

When you’re going in for surgery, whether it’s an eyelid lift or a root canal and your doctor asks what meds you take, don’t forget to mention natural remedies.  Patients often don’t tell their doctors what herbs and supplements they take because they don’t think of them as medicine. But herbs can cause serious problems during and after surgery.  Alert your doctor about anything you’re taking. 

Ginseng, Ginko and Kava I do not recommend taking unless you have had a constitutional evaluation first.

Chondroitin– taken for arthritis     STOP TAKING   2-3  wks before surgery

Ginseng- taken for energy       STOP TAKING AT LEAST  1  wk before surgery

Garlic supplements– taken for immunity and BP     STOP TAKING  1 wk before surgery

Ginko biloba– improved memory     STOP TAKING at least  1 wk before surgery -May cause delayed recovery and abnormal grogginess

Kava-anxiety, muscle tension       STOP TAKING at least 1 wk before surgery -May cause delayed recovery and abnormal grogginess

Echinacea– immune system      STOP TAKING 2-3 wks before surgery- REACTION to certain anesthesia  

Glucosamine- arthritis      STOP TAKING  2-3 wks before surgery, lowers blood sugar which can cause fainting and delay recovery

Goldenseal– immune       STOP TAKING 2-3 wks before surgery,  post op grogginess, abnormal sensitivity to laser, can decrease blood volume

Caffeine contents of foods and beverages

Coffee: 5 oz cup / 60-150 mg               Decaf coffee: 5 oz / 2-5 mg      Tea  5oz/ 40-80 mg         Iced tea  8 oz/25 mg            Snapple iced tea (all kinds)   8oz/21 mg         Arizona iced green tea 8 oz/ 7.5 mg          Hot cocoa:  5 oz/1-8 mg       Chocolate milk   8oz/2-7 mg          Coca cola / and diet  12 oz/46 mg         Pepsi 12 oz/38 mg          Red Bull  8 oz/ 80 mg               regular 7- up  8 oz/O mg                Diet 7-up  8 oz/23 mg    Jolt cola 12 oz/71 mg

In foods:  coffee ice cream 1 cup/  40-60 mg      dark chocolate 1 oz/ 20 mg          milk chocolate 1 oz/ 6 mg

Medications:  anacin 2 tab/26 mg            dexatrim 1 tab/200 mg      dristan 1 tab/30 mg  midol  1 tab/32 mg        excedrin max 2 tab/130 mg         cafergot  1 tab/100 mg

Nature of Food

In Chinese Medicine the temperature and natures of foods are used as potent healers when used with attention to season and the constitution of each individual.  For example, in summer cooler foods,  in winter- warmer foods,  when a person has an illness involving heat or a constitution with a tendency to be warm- using cooling foods. 

 Cold foods include: banana, watermelon, tomato, asparagus, tofu.  Cool foods: pear, kiwi, cucumber, mushroom, eggplant, millet, barley, yogurt.  Neutral foods: lemon, fig, apple, cabbage,carrot, potato,rice, black beans.  Warm foods: pumpkin, walnut, chestnut, scallion, celery, pomegranate,ginger.  Hot foods: garlic and pepper.

An example of when to use these would be: Cold foods- for a heat type of insomnia,  cool foods- for a heat related headache, neutral foods-if you have a weak type of low back pain these foods will tonify and strengthen, warm foods- for a cold type of hay fever,  hot foods- for a cold type of flu.  To clarify which are best foods to use in times of illness, or to determine your constitution,  it’s best to call Dr G with your questions.

Thought of the Day

If what others thought of you wasn’t important-if the only thing that mattered was how your heart felt about your life-what would you be doing differently?                           –Melody Beattie


Thought of the Day


There is a face lift you can have that is guaranteed to improve your appearance, which both men and women of any age can do.   It’s called a smile.

Thought of the Day





Don’t ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive, and then go and do that.  Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.

How to change things when change is hard

A troubled teenager named Bobby was sent to see his high-school counselor,  John Murphy. Bobby had been in trouble so many times that he was in danger of being shipped off to a special facility for kids with behavioral problems.

Most counselors would have discussed Bobby’s problems with him, but Murphy didn’t.

Murphy: Bobby, are there classes where you don’t get in trouble?

Bobby: I don’t get in trouble much in Ms. Smith’s class.

Murphy: What’s different about Ms. Smith’s class?

Soon Murphy had some concrete answers: 1. Ms Smith greeted him at the door. 2. She checked to make sure he understood his assignments. 3. She gave him easier work to complete. ( His other teachers did none of the three)

Now Murphy had a roadmap for change. He advised Bobby’s other teachers to try these three techniques.  And suddenly, Bobby started behaving better.

We’re wired to focus on what’s not working. But Murphy asked, “Whats IS working, today, and how can we do more of it?”

You’re probably trying to change things at home, at work,  or other areas of your life. Stop agonizing about what’s not working.  Instead, ask yourself, “What’s working well, right now, and how can I do more of it?”           -excerpt from “Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard” by Chip and Dan Heath  also authors of Made to Stick

Laughter & Humor-Natural tonics for body & soul


You’ve heard the expression “laughter is the best medicine”.  When we laugh, the nerves in the brain trigger electrical impulses which in turn trigger the release of endorphins which calm our minds and help us conquer pain.  Laughter has been credited with aiding digestion, improving blood flow by causing arteries to contract and relax thereby lowering blood pressure . When we ” laugh so hard we cry”  those tears contain substances that kill bacteria.

Why do we laugh?   According to Norman Cousins, author of ” Anatomy of an Illness” , who credits laughter as an important part of his recovery from a serious illness,  feels laughter is our response to the incongruous.   Humor helps us deal with grief and stress , it helps us relax and open up to each other. The people we can laugh with are often the people we like the best.  Laughter is the child of surprise.  If your laughter together with others is good and healthy, and not at the expense of others, then you have a healthy relationship to the world. If you can make each other laugh, you can always surprise one another.  And if you can always surprise each other, you can always keep the world around you new.

How does laughter affect health?  The endorphins released by laughter are morphine-like molecules that naturally alleviate pain, boost our immune systems, and release feelings of anxiety and depression.  

Excerpt from: Wake up     Your daily laughsitive..Rx rated humor                Where we take humor seriously, and seriousness humorously.    by Swami Beyondananda                                         The swami’s favorite yoga pose is: tongue-in-cheek.   Dilemma: when you’re faced with a dilemma, might as well make dilemmanade.  Confusion: studies show that 65% of  Americans are confused, and the rest aren’t sure.

For years the Swami has been looking for ways to encourage and empower others in the ancient art of Foo Ling- using laughter as a tool to enlighten up their own lives and the lives of those around them. One of the best ways to multiply Healing laughter is to celebrate those moments when laughter leads to breakthrough- what the Swami calls a moment of Fool-Realization. You know, the times we find ourselves laughing at our situation in spite of it all, those embarrassing moments where we realize God is laughing so hard we are fools not to join in.  Sometimes the Universe will create a farce-field just for our benefit. So remember that  life is a situation comedy and we are just having an episode.

Check out: favorite funny movies found at the end of – favorite CD’s

Thought of The Day




True greatness consists in being great in little things.                            -Charles Simmons

Ten Signs to get to the ER-STAT

1. Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath. Can be anything from pneumonia to a heart attack.

2.Chest or abdominal pain or pressure or jaw pain. May be a heart attack.      (Lab tests to evaluate the heart – C-reactive protein, homocysteine, LDL (bad cholesterol) and HDL (good cholesterol). Along with EKG and stress EKG tests( preventatively)

3.Fainting, trouble talking, dizziness. Can be signs of a stroke.

4.Changes in vision. May be a stroke or an eye emergency.

5.Confusion. Again, possibly a stroke.

6.Sudden or severe pain. What it may signal depends on location, but it always needs to be checked.

7.Uncontrolled bleeding. continuous bleeding can lead to collapse.

8.Severe or persistent vomiting or diarrhea. May be food poisoning or an infection in small children and the elderly, can lead to dehydration.

9.Coughing up or vomiting blood. Sign of internal injury or illness.

10.Unusual abdominal pain. Can be a sign of gastrointestinal or gynecologic emergency.

Your Emergency grap and go file

Having your medical information with you will speed things in the ER. But you may be distracted as you head out or unable to gather it all. So in advance, create a file for each member of the family that includes: 1. A short medical history, including past surgeries or major problems 2. Current medical conditions 3. Doctors and their phone numbers 3. Medications 4. Immunizations 5. Allergies (especially drugs, latex)  4. Insurance information     If an emergency strikes before you’ve prepared a file, grab the patient’s medicine bottles ( if any) and insurance into, It’s also crucial to give signed medical consent forms for your kids to babysitters or anyone who might need to bring the kids to the hospital.                                    – Linda Lawrence M.D.

Thought of the Day




Sometimes in the winds of change we find our true direction.

8 Paths to Peace




1. Reach out, when you feel overwhelmed, call a friend.

2.Eliminate “shoulds”, don’t overburden yourself with high expectations.  Say no and don’t feel guilty.

3.Try a self nurturing message instead of negative self talk.

4.Practice staying in the present..and when you start to rush ahead- stop…take a deep breath, look around, and center yourself.

5.Regard time as a gift.  Give yourself and others the gift of time together in the quiet, feeling the stillness,  listening to music or reading rather than running to another activity.

6. Have a silent night..go to bed early and catch some zzz’s.  Omit TV, radio, news, and relax.

7.Eliminate and delegate.  Simplify your activities. Ask yourself at years’ end, what memories would you like to recall.

8.Take a dose of laughter. A funny book or movie, a game with friends and family, tickling someone or giving them a big hug.

Thought of the day

mendocino and solarlogos 001



The real test of friendship is: Can you literally do nothing with the other person?  Can you enjoy together those moments of life that are utterly simple.  They are the moments people look back on at the end of life and number as their most sacred experiences.                 -Eugene Kennedy

How to prepare for an office visit to your MD

1.Come with questions and ask them.  Make a list and bring it with you.

2.If you have more questions after the first visit, write them down and either send a letter to the doctor, call the office, or leave a message. 

3.Don’t be shy, it’ll do you no good.  Bring support if needed:  a spouse or friend.

4.Keep the conversation on track.  Don’t go off on a tangent that is not related to your   concerns.  Try not to let the doctors’ questions interrupt your train of thought.

5.Take notes, or tape record your visit. Most patients don’t remember half of what happened during their visit.

6.If you do not feel confident with your doctors’ recommendations, treatment or diagnosis, ask for a second opinion.  Even though this can be difficult, a good doctor will honor your request.

7.Let your doctor know your limits.  If you feel hesitant or fearful regarding a test or treatment let them know. Ask what other choices do you have?  Sometimes repeating a simple test may answer many questions.

8.If you are given disturbing news by your doctor and feel overwhelmed, just tell them that you are overwhelmed and need to come back to talk another time.  Then, you can prepare questions and research your condition and bring someone with you for support and clarification.

9.Educate yourself. If you have a chronic or serious illness, get a notebook and build your own reference library, with notes, medical records, responses to treatments, articles, etc. Be informed.

10.Research has found that the more a patient is involved in their care, the more their health is improved and the more there is a  felt  sense of control.

Feeling Full Faster

1.Smell your food– The more we can smell our food, the less we eat. The more intense food smells, the faster we’re satisfied.  Warm cooked foods give off more aroma than room temperature or cold foods.

2.Add some heat: Heat from hot spices, chiles, paprika, curry, cinnamon, and ginger can stimulate appetite-suppressing hormones in our stomaches so we feel full faster. ( If you have a sensitive stomach prone to gastritis or ulcers use these with caution)   A  Japanese study found that adding pepper to breakfast eggs reduced how much fat and protein subjects consumed at lunchtime.  And that putting pepper on an appetizer or in soup reduced intake of a lunch entree and stifled hunger for hours after the meal.

3.Protein-include some in your meals. Protein has been shown to create feeling full faster. Fish seems to be more satiating than chicken or beef, possibly due to the omega-3 oils in fish.  Also, taking omega-3 supplements reduce between meal hunger.

4.”Eat” your water– Choosing foods that are high in fiber and water content- think grapes versus raisins-helps you fill up faster with fewer calories. Barbara Rolls, nutrition scientist who wrote the book “Volumetrics”, explains that people tend to eat the same volume of food to satisfy their hunger no matter how nutrient-filled or calorie-charged it is,  so the idea is to fill up with fewer calories.  Rolls’ research has found that starting a meal with a broth-based soup or mixed salad helps diners consume less of their main entree.  The trick is that water should be part of the food- liquid calories such as soda, alcohol, coffee, tea,  or even water don’t signal ” satiety” to the brain the same way.              -Angela Pirisi