Fiber foods and tips
Optimal daily fiber intake is 25-30 grams.
An example of one days’ meals with fiber would be: Breakfast– Allbran cereal(13 grams) or Fiber One( 18 grams) with berries (1cup blackberries-9 grams) Lunch- a large salad (3 grams))and vege soup (3 grams) with beans (19 grams) Dinner– broccoli (1cup-7 grams) and chicken or fish. Total over 50 grams.
Apple medium raw – 4 grams
Artichoke – 1 large cooked 4.5 grams
asparagus- 1 cup 3.5 grams
Avocado- 1 cup 11 grams
Black beans cooked 1 cup- 19 grams
kidney beans, pinto, chickpeas – 1 cup- 12-19 grams
Blackberries 1 cup 9 grams
Broccoli 1 cup cooked- 7 grams
celery 1/4 cup- 2 grams
eggplant 2 large slices- 4 grams
3 dried figs- 10 grams
cooked kale, chard 1 cup- 8 grams
whole wheat macaroni 1 cup 5.7 grams
1 medium yam- 7 grams
Other sources of fiber are: Psyllium seed husks, metamucil, citrucel. One tablespoon provides approx. 15 grams. These must be taken with at least one large glass of water because they absorb water in order to work properly. Fiber assists the body in clearing excess cholesterol, binds with sugar to regulate and decrease blood sugar, and speeds transit time to clear out toxins and soothe constipation. Seeds are lubricating because of their fiber and oils: pumpkin, sunflower, sesame, flax and in chinese herbology, the nature of seeds is to descend qi thereby assisting elimination.
Gluten sensitivity– celiac disease- inflammation to the GI tract that is aggravated by eating foods with gluten -wheat, barley,rye,and oats. By avoiding those foods the GI tract inflammation can resolve. Choosing alternatives such as: basmatic rice, brown rice, millet, corn, buchkwheat/kasha, quinoa.